Morality and majority vote are not the same thing. But Beck thinks they are. And that’s where he reveals his statism and his socialism. Majority vote is the very basis of socialism. But true libertarians know that even 95 percent of a county can be wrong. And the important fight is to win the war in the hearts and minds of people with truth and actual engagement of the details, not sweeping things under the rug, arguing about slippery slopes, or playing clips of a handful of people. Beck does not realize he is a socialist. It is an unstated assumption of his that of course we should leave it up to the people. We’ve tried that, Glenn. When people can vote themselves your property, they will. The fundamental tenet of socialism is that whatever the people say is right. The fundamental tenet of libertarianism is that the initiation of force is wrong. By explicitly and continually arguing that we need to all make a decision together, Beck has shown himself to be a socialist at heart. It is almost as if he is saying, "Look, I would prefer freedom, but if the people vote for socialism, then that’s okay." Glenn, it is not okay. - Dr. Phil Maymin, Glenn Beck the Socialist, September 16, 2010

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bilderberg Media Front Smears Alex Jones In Feeble Hit Piece

By Paul Joseph Watson, Prison
October 9, 2009

In a hit piece that appears in The New Republic magazine, a publication owned by the ultra-rich Asper Bilderberg family, author Michelle Goldberg has trouble comprehending why Alex Jones has fans on both the left and right of the political spectrum, ascribing it not to the fact that Jones is interested in pursuing truth over partisanship, but to the claim that he is a “purveyor of paranoia”.

The New Republic apparently postures as a neo-liberal outfit yet is edited by neo-cons and peddles statist and pro-war propaganda on a regular basis. Indeed, an article currently running on its front page argues against having transparency in government.

TNR is wholly owned by CanWest Global Communications, a corporate megalith which has flouted laws in Canada that govern foreign ownership limits by virtually monopolizing media in the country. CanWest is owned by the ultra-elite Asper family, for whom Israel Asper was a key Bilderberg attendee until his death in 2003. The Asper family have been multi-generational Israeli-firsters whose many media fronts serve as propaganda organs for the Zionist state.

According to Media Matters, “The bad news for TNR staffers is that CanWest’s recent history is littered with lawsuits, gag orders, and byline strikes, buffered by a steady stream of columnists, reporters, and editors who complain CanWest actively censors its employees who stray from the company’s conservative, pro-war, pro-Israel blueprint.”

By aggressively enforcing such political bias and targeting anyone who strays outside such parameters, “CanWest has spawned a culture of fear and self-censorship among journalists,” according to Haroon Siddiqui, a columnist for the Toronto Star.

Obviously being fully aware of these, shall we say ‘guidelines,’ and the fact that her paymasters are servants of Bilderberg and Israel, surprise surprise, author Michelle Goldberg wastes little time in attacking Alex Jones for taking on….you guessed it…..Bilderberg and Israel!

She starts off by taking a sophomoric sideswipe at Jones for bullhorning Asper’s cherished Bilderberg Group during its 2006 conference in Ottawa Canada.

However, in smearing him as an anti-semite by bizarrely comparing Jones’ Obama Deception DVD to The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Goldberg fails to address Alex Jones’ regularly uttered thought crime of pointing out that Israel has hundreds of nukes while Iran is being threatened and targeted over its “nuclear weapons program” despite the fact that the independent IAEA as well as the CIA says it doesn’t have one, instead she actually implies that Jones hates Jews because he states that Obama is just the front man for an international cabal of global elitists.

Apparently, in Goldberg’s peculiar world, merely talking about the demise of the dollar, the move towards global government, Israel’s desire to attack Iran, the North American Union or any form of government corruption whatsoever equates to racism, craziness and fringe thinking. Even as the IMF, the G20 and the UN openly announce a global currency, a new world economic order and a system of global governance, in Goldberg’s view, to merely mention the fact is a manifestation of Jones’ “unhinged” mind.

Of course, by making everything about Jews and anti-Semitism, Goldberg is dutifully playing her role as the race pimp in an effort to try and invoke the age-old cliched stereotype of the right-wing extremist and portray Jones as a white supremacist hatemonger, when in reality we spend half our time trying to avoid race and are routinely chastised for doing so by white supremacists themselves.

Miss Goldberg, is there no end to your cynicism? Don’t you know that constantly invoking anti-semitism as a means of smearing your political adversaries doesn’t work any longer? Perhaps the rapidly declining circulation figures of The New Republic should offer some clue to attest to this fact?

Desperate attempts at race pimping as a means to get us all at each other’s throats is so 1990’s. When will you realize that your lame demonization techniques no longer have any effect on a reader with two brain cells left to rub together?

Goldberg attempts to savage Jones by labeling him “the next Glenn Beck,” while ignoring the fact that Beck is a corporate shill and a performing circus act who cries on command and holds political views that are almost entirely diametrically opposite to those of Alex Jones. Indeed, Beck has attacked Jones both directly and indirectly on his show for years while at the same time mimicking his style to lull deluded conservatives into thinking he represents some kind of genuine grass roots figure, when in fact he has vehemently supported every major government assault on freedom under both Bush and Obama, from the war on Iraq to the Patriot Act to the banker bailout.

The majority of Goldberg’s hit piece consists of her simply reprinting Jones’ statements as if she thinks that alone will discredit him in the eyes of the reader. The problem being that all of these statements are manifestly provable, and Goldberg’s hope that the reader will share her reflex reaction of denial only ends up making her look naive and foolish.

Yes, there are laws on the books that allow the government to set up martial law in the event of a mass pandemic, yes there is a plan for a North American Union, yes the White House science czar John Holdren did advocate putting sterilants in the water in his own book. All of these things are self-evident and documented, not part of the warped world that Goldberg attempts to pigeon hole Jones within.

Indeed, it is Goldberg that remains locked in a twilight zone of delusion, and her distaste at the fact that more and more people on both sides of the political spectrum are escaping from that skewed world view and listening to Alex Jones is betrayed by her zealous but shockingly weak effort to smear him with all the tools at her disposal – guilt by association, sophomoric cliches, race pimping, and contrived invocations.

It all adds up to a massive failure and just another indication that mega-media titans such as CanWest, through their subsidiaries like The New Republic, are furious that Jones is breaking through the electronic Berlin Wall of the corporate media and inspiring more and more individuals to dump the mainstream and find the real alternative, not Glenn Beck, not right or left-wing partisanship, but someone who actually tries to get past race, get past political hackery, and communicate the truth of what is unfolding – the takeover of the planet by private banking and corporate interests that are openly centralizing power into a dictatorial system of world government.

No matter what you think of Alex Jones, this fact remains, and no amount of smear attacks or hit pieces crafted by the very progenitors of this political agenda are going to prevent the people from seeing what is unfolding around them as it is openly announced on the news almost every single day.

Jones’ increasing credibility across the political spectrum is born out of the fact that his output is not dictated by a giant transnational corporation owned by ultra-elitists with deep Bilderberg connections whose role it is to act as apologists and warmongers for the state of Israel, and in turn the United States government.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for The New Republic, which is owned and controlled by those very interests.

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