Morality and majority vote are not the same thing. But Beck thinks they are. And that’s where he reveals his statism and his socialism. Majority vote is the very basis of socialism. But true libertarians know that even 95 percent of a county can be wrong. And the important fight is to win the war in the hearts and minds of people with truth and actual engagement of the details, not sweeping things under the rug, arguing about slippery slopes, or playing clips of a handful of people. Beck does not realize he is a socialist. It is an unstated assumption of his that of course we should leave it up to the people. We’ve tried that, Glenn. When people can vote themselves your property, they will. The fundamental tenet of socialism is that whatever the people say is right. The fundamental tenet of libertarianism is that the initiation of force is wrong. By explicitly and continually arguing that we need to all make a decision together, Beck has shown himself to be a socialist at heart. It is almost as if he is saying, "Look, I would prefer freedom, but if the people vote for socialism, then that’s okay." Glenn, it is not okay. - Dr. Phil Maymin, Glenn Beck the Socialist, September 16, 2010

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Beck’s Failure to Retract Global Warming Advocacy Provokes Online Firestorm

By Paul Joseph Watson, Prison
February 26, 2010

Becks Failure To Retract Global Warming Advocacy Provokes Online Firestorm 260210top2

Glenn Beck has failed to respond to a firestorm of reaction to his comments made during a February 21st interview with USA Weekend magazine in which he completely reversed his position on climate change by revealing that he believed in man-made global warming.

As we reported earlier this week, Beck appeared to stab his conservative audience in the back when he told USA Weekend magazine that man-made climate change was occurring in an article entitled Don’t judge Beck by his cover.

In the article, Beck tells interviewer Dennis McCafferty, “You’d be an idiot not to notice the temperature change.”

“He also says there’s a legit case that global warming has, at least in part, been caused by mankind,” writes McCafferty, under the sub headline, “He believes in global warming.”

“The blogosphere is on fire with reaction to McCafferty’s USA Weekend piece,” according to World Net Daily’s Chelsea Schilling, who pointed out that posters on the prominent conservative forum Free Republic were furious at Beck for seemingly performing a huge flip-flop on the issue.

“Seems like the rose-colored glasses are beginning to fall off those who used to view Mr. Beck with good approval?” wrote one.

“OK, final straw for Beck with me,” added another.
“When an unflattering quote comes out about someone, anyone, they all say, “I was misquoted.” Everyone does it. The people who were actually misquoted take legal action if a retraction / correction isn’t printed. In fact, that’s why newspapers print retractions/corrections. If Beck doesn’t sue USA Weekend, then it tells me his protestations ring hollow,” writes another.Other respondents said they thought the article was a hit piece and that Beck’s comments on global warming had been misreported. However, Beck’s reaction to the controversy suggests otherwise.

Following the outcry, Beck responded by accusing McCafferty of inventing four of the ten things attributed to him in the article, but since Beck made no mention whatsoever of it, we can only assume that his global warming comment wasn’t one of them.

“Beck had plenty of criticism of the USA Weekend story… he didn’t raise any objections to the article’s portrayal of his environmental views,” remarks Mother Jones’s Kate Sheppard.
Since Beck changes his tune every time the wind blows (he was for the bailout before he was against it), we can only assume that increasing suspicion from conservatives over his global warming comments will force Beck to back peddle and issue some form of retraction.However, for some this will only confirm the fact that Beck is a shill and a performing circus clown who cries on cue while hoodwinking millions of conservatives into supporting policies which represent the antithesis of true conservatism, like a national sales tax (an idea also embraced by Nancy Pelosi), while attacking people who espouse real conservative principles without constantly flip-flopping, like Congressman Ron Paul and his supporters, who he smeared as potential terrorists.

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Warning to the Tea Party Nation

Many of the Tea Parties are distancing themselves from Dr. Paul and embracing establishment players such as Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck.

By Chuck Baldwin
February 12, 2010

As far as grassroots activism goes, the surge in Tea Parties across America is one of the more encouraging developments to recently take place. It reminds me of the “Conservative Revolution” of 1994, when the GOP reclaimed both the US Senate and House of Representatives. At that time, it had been over 40 years since the Republican Party controlled both the US House and Senate. And, between the two, the House victories were the most significant.

Spurred mostly by the election of Bill Clinton in 1992, a host of young, energetic freshman Republicans marched into Washington, D.C., determined to return a burgeoning and out-of-control federal leviathan to the constitutional precepts of limited government. I’m talking about then-freshman House members such as Helen Chenoweth, Steve Largent, Bob Barr, Joe Scarborough, Sonny Bono, John Shadegg, J.C. Watts, etc. These young conservatives went to Washington, D.C., determined to reduce the growth and size of the federal government.

The vehicle used to transport these young conservatives from grassroots activism to US House and Senate seats was the highly touted “Contract with America” (CWA), which was orchestrated by House Speaker-to-be, Newt Gingrich. The CWA included a promise to the American people that if they would give the GOP a majority in Congress, they would eliminate up to 5 federal departments–such as the Departments of Energy and Education–and many federal agencies.

Obviously, not only did the GOP-controlled Congress not eliminate a single federal department or agency–or even shrink the size of the federal government at all–it expanded the size and scope of the federal government at every level. And there is one reason for it: Big Government neocons posing as champions of conservatism co-opted and destroyed the Conservative Revolution of 1994.

If one wants to put names to these treasonous wretches (and I do), I’m talking about charlatans such as Newt Gingrich and Trent Lott. Anyone who thinks that Newt Gingrich is a real conservative or that he will do anything to reduce the size and scope of the federal government needs to speak with any of those Republican members of the freshman class of 1994. (Sadly, too, some of the members of that great freshman class went on to become Big Government toadies themselves. Such is the power of that Putrid Province by the Potomac.)

The Tea Parties of 2010 remind me very much of the Conservative Revolution of 1994. And if the Tea Party Nation is not very careful, they will succumb to the same fate. The signs of a silent takeover of the movement are already appearing.

First of all, the Tea Parties were actually born during the Presidential campaign of Congressman Ron Paul of Texas in 2007 and 2008. For all intents and purposes, the Tea Parties and the Ron Paul Revolution were one and the same. These were (mostly) young people, who were sick and tired of the same old establishment Republican Party. They were tired of establishment Republicans selling out the principles of limited government; they were tired of the US Constitution being ignored and trampled by both Republicans and Democrats; they were tired of an incessant interventionist US foreign policy that keeps sending US forces overseas to advance a burgeoning New World Order (NWO); they were tired of perpetual war; they were tired of the bank bailouts; they were tired of the Federal Reserve; etc.

I know this because I met--and spoke before--the Tea Party Nation in State after State as I campaigned for Dr. Paul during the Republican primaries back in 2008. And I met them again all over America, as I was running as an Independent candidate for President--with Ron Paul's endorsement, no less. I was with them in scores of meetings (big and small) from Washington, D.C., to Spokane, Washington, and all points in between.

But now many of the Tea Parties are distancing themselves from Dr. Paul and embracing establishment players such as Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck. Even Newt Gingrich is being courted. Watch out, Tea Party Nation: you're in danger of losing your soul! Newt Gingrich is not one of you. He is not your friend. He is an imposter. He will destroy you just like he almost single-handedly destroyed the Conservative Revolution of 1994.

Plus, be careful about Sarah Palin and other establishment Republicans. Palin is currently playing both sides. She is promoting Big Government neocons such as John McCain on the one hand, and sincere conservative-libertarians such as Rand Paul on the other hand. But if one wants a real barometer of Palin's true colors, look no further than her endorsement of Rick Perry in Texas.

Perry is the quintessential establishment Republican. Perry has been in office for some nine years, and what has he done to thwart the NWO in Texas? Nothing! Perry is even a Bilderberg Group attendee. What has he done for State sovereignty in Texas? Nothing! In fact, he supports the North American Union and the NAFTA superhighway. What has he done to resist Obama's universal health care proposals? Nothing! What has he done to protect the citizens of Texas against an emerging Police State? Nothing! What has he done to fight illegal immigration? Nothing!

As a result of both Rick Perry's establishment business-as-usual politics in Texas and the proliferating grassroots Tea Party movement, counterattacking establishment politics, a Tea Partier herself has entered the race for Texas governor. Her name is Debra Medina. As the Tea Party Nation in Texas already knows, Medina is one of you.

Medina is committed to preserving Texas' independence and sovereignty. She is opposed to the Patriot Act. She will secure the Texas border. She will give Texas Vermont-style open carry freedoms for gun owners. She wants to get rid of unconstitutional property taxes in Texas. She will stop the NAFTA superhighway. Medina is the real deal.

So, what did Sarah Palin do? She went to Texas and endorsed Rick Perry! I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, playing political games in order to rake in hundreds of thousands of dollars on the speaking and book-signing circuits is not what the Tea Parties are all about.

Tea Parties are supposed to be about putting principle over politics, supporting and defending the US Constitution, supporting limited government and personal liberty, getting rid of the Federal Reserve, abolishing the IRS, ending preemptive and pervasive wars, and putting truth and integrity back into government.

Don't get me wrong; there are things about Sarah Palin that I like. I especially appreciate her pro-life and pro-Second Amendment stands. I also appreciate her signing the Alaska State sovereignty resolution while she was governor. By all indications, she did a good job as Alaska's chief executive. At the national level, however, she favors the Patriot Act--and even wants to expand it. She supported the banker bailouts. And when it comes to foreign policy issues, Palin is just another neocon. Plus, as with most Republicans at the national level, I think she is clueless about the NWO. And please remember, it was Mr. New World Order himself, Henry Kissinger, who vetted Palin on behalf of McCain.

The Tea Party Nation should expect better!

The Nation also needs to be careful about Glenn Beck. He says many of the right things. He is likeable and charismatic; but he's also dead wrong on a number of issues--issues that are critical to the Tea Party Nation. He's dead wrong when he attempts to disparage and impugn Congressman Ron Paul, saying Dr. Paul is a "crazy, kooky guy." He's dead wrong in supporting the banker bailouts. He's dead wrong when he supports raising taxes (which he has done on several occasions). He was dead wrong when he supported the Patriot Act. He is dead wrong when he viciously attacks the 9/11 victims' families who demand further information about what happened to their loved ones on that fateful day. And he is dead wrong when he mocks people such as Alan Keyes and Joe Farah for demanding that Barack Obama release his birth certificate--if he indeed has one.

And now I hear that there are some self-professed members of the Tea Party Nation who are actually running for Congressman Paul's US House seat in Texas. If this is not a sign that establishment Republicans are hijacking the Tea Party movement, I don't know what is. Remember, the Tea Party movement began as a support base for the Ron Paul Revolution back in 2007.

I strongly encourage the Tea Party faithful to read Jane Hamsher's recent column on this subject:

I say again, be careful, Tea Party Nation. You are being infiltrated. You are being compromised. You are being neutered. Stick to your principles. Stick with the Constitution. Keep opposing unconstitutional, preemptive wars. Keep calling for the abolition of the Federal Reserve. Keep fighting for less taxes, reduced federal spending, and states' rights. Keep opposing the Patriot Act and the New World Order. Don't abandon Ron Paul. Be wary of people such as Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck. You don't need "big name" celebrities to give you credibility. As Samson's strength depended on keeping his hair uncut, your strength lies in keeping your principles intact. And unless you want to wind up like the Republican freshmen in 1994, avoid Newt Gingrich like the plague!

*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:

© Chuck Baldwin

Insiders, Neocons Plan Simulated Cyber Attack
O’Reilly Shows Real Colors, Tells Conservatives to Stop "Bashing" Obama
Fox News anchor Bill O’Reilly said the conservative movement would be "making a big mistake" if it spends the weekend at CPAC "bashing Obama."
Chris Matthews Mimics Glenn Beck’s Talking Points
"Liberal" MSNBC host apes "conservative" Fox host in regurgitating Medina "truther" smear, proving left-right paradigm is a fraud and real battle is between the establishment and the grass roots.

Warning: NeoCon Palin’s Tea Party Takeover Will Facilitate Obama Reelection

By Arron Dykes & Alex Jones,
February 9, 2010

In an urgent message on the systematic betrayal of the tea party, Alex Jones warns against the turncoats and deceivers flocking from the weakened GOP and FOX News wings to harness the populist uprising that briefly found life outside of the traditional two-party system.

Sarah Palin made more than headlines this past week– attempting a takeover of the tea party movement, backing GOP hack Rick Perry over a real & viable candidate, pitching for war on Iran and assessing Obama’s weaknesses in 2012.

Her presence as the keynote speaker at the ‘Tea Party Nation’ event this past weekend signaled a realignment of the once pro-Constitution tea party with the empty ideals of the Republican party, urging upset Americans to let go of their anger towards the two-party system and support a GOP platform once again.

Further, in traveling to Texas to stump for incumbent Governor Rick Perry after speaking under the Tea Party Nation banner, Palin is slighting the one real tea party candidate running in Texas– a rising Debra Medina who is insistent on shaking up the status quo and triumphing over party stooges Perry & Hutchinson. As of today, Medina is reportedly only 4 points behind challenger Kay Bailey Hutchinson. If no candidate gets 50%, a run-off is forced between the top two candidates.

What’s more, phony Palin fundamentally betrayed the sentiments of millions of Americans– whether at the tea parties or not– who have articulated their desire to scale down the Federal government and bring back troops from an unsustainable global U.S. empire. In a stunning statement on FOX News, Palin suggested that ‘if’ Obama played ‘the War Card’ by starting a war with Iran, only then would he have a viable chance at reelection in 2012. With the obvious implication that she too is eyed for 2012, Palin reinforced unconditional support for Israel’s agenda and urged Obama towards the same end.

Palin proves to be yet another front for NeoCon aggression in the middle east. Her senseless and deranged drumbeat for an Iranian War, like her support for torture and opposition to detainee rights, follows a recent column from Daniel Pipes lauding such a war as the only way to save Obama’s presidency.

Palin’s perceived ditziness is no excuse. At the very best, Palin’s confused-coloration between FOX-esque turncoats like Glenn Beck, Mike Huckabee and Rick Perry and ‘grassroots’ constitutionalists within the tea party movement demonstrates her flippant viewpoint and her naïveté.

However, like Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin is not clueless or wrong. She too is a wolf in sheep’s clothing– not a Libertarian, Constitutionalist, freedom-lover or populist. Instead, both Beck and Palin are duplicitous and deceiving whores of the global establishment, practiced at fooling well-meaning followers into betraying their own interests.

Palin’s presence at the forefront of GOP presidential hopefuls for 2012 gives insight into a dismal political field cynically weeded of any independent or level-minded candidates. Instead, the system, which tricks the people again and again, favors a selection of potential successors guaranteed to be worse than the president before. Who but Obama could follow the abuses of George W. Bush? Who could be worse than Sarah Palin after Obama? Who but Palin could allow a president as unpopular as Obama to think of digging in for another term? Are we destined to lose all we have as we are trapped between the Devil and the deep-blue sea, headed towards WWIII and an apocalyptic economic atmosphere?

Hopefully not. But as Alex notes, we don’t have time to be fooled yet again by a political sideshow– a bait & switch– meant to volley between fundamentally-rotten Democrats and fundamentally-rotten Republicans. Americans must rise above that tightly-controlled paradigm, take a deep breath, and root out the evil and corruption deep within the system before all is lost.

Footage from the Original 1997 Tea Party Protests
Excerpts from the July 6th 1998 1-1/2 hour broadcast of “The Freedom Report” with hosts Alex Jones, Steve Lane, & Rusty Fields.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ailes and Huffington: Two Mockingbird Assets Discuss Glenn Beck

By Kurt Nimmo,
February 1, 2010

On ABC over the weekend, Roger Ailes and Arianna Huffington discussed Glenn Beck. Ailes is the president of Fox News. He was a media consultant for Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush, as well as Rudy Giuliani’s first mayoral campaign in 1989. Huffington co-founded the “progressive” website The Huffington Post and figured highly on Forbes’ list of the Most Influential Women In Media. Ailes and Huffington work tirelessly to keep the false right-left paradigm in working order.

Huffington says Glenn Beck exploits the “paranoid style” of American politics and keeps this “tradition” alive. In other words, Beck exploits mistrust and fear of government. For “progressive” statists of Huffington’s ilk, mistrust of government is “paranoid” and thus dangerous (paranoia is usually associated with irrationality and delusion and characterized as a mental illness). She is apparently concerned about the influence of Beck’s mini-documentary on Stalin, Mao, and the progressives (Beck insinuates that when progressives get in power they unleash mass slaughter like Mao and Stalin — in fact, as history teaches, authoritarian leaders, regardless of political coloration, invariably engage in mass murder against the opposition and other manufactured enemies).

Glenn Beck pretends to be a Libertarian opposed to big government. In fact, he is a shill for predatory government and a continued looting of the people. In December, he went on the “conservative” (neocon statist) Bill O’Reilly’s Fox show and called for new taxes on the plebs. Beck and O’Reilly merely dickered over the sort of tax they’d impose — O’Reilly argued for a national sales tax while Beck called for a value added tax to pay down the national debt owed to a gaggle of international bankers.

In regard to government running roughshod over the people and confiscating their wealth, there is very little difference between Beck and Huffington. They merely disagree on how much to steal and what to squander it on. Huffington would spend it on touchy-feely social programs that increase the size and scope of government. Glenn Beck would give it directly to the bankers. George W. Bush ran up the national debt to a historical level. Obama outdid him within the first few months of his administration.

Obama, Bush, Huffington, Ailes, and Beck — these are shills for the state. If there is a “paranoid style” in politics, as Huffington claims, it should consist of a paranoia of talking heads who offer two versions of predatory government and call it politics from the “left” and the “right.” It is a circus sideshow and a diversion that accomplishes nothing as government power increases and claims more victims.